
O in Obama Article

I found this article on nytimes.com and thought someone might like it. It is about the Obama Logo.



Robyn B


Bowling Night

Guess What?

Bowling Night This Friday Night! Yea.


From 7pm to Midnight.
In the Basement of SMITH.

This will be fun. There will be food and drinks and it will give you a chance to get to know your student groups.

Discussion- Social Marketing

Here is a cool article on the Marketing Power website.

It talks about the use of social marketing... & just in time for Thanksgiving.


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Tah Dah!

Here is the grand launch of the AMAPSU blog. I want it to be a place where we can talk, gossip, discuss all things marketing related. This is something that we can check regularly to see the student perspective of marketing and advertising. It's fun, hip, and involved. Please write comments, CONTRIBUTE, make it awesome.

This is you PSU:AMA

In addition . . . what did you guys think about last week’s event??? (“A Day in the Life of a Marketer?”) Did you love it, hate it, and wish the room was bigger? Let us know! --put up a comment—

Who’s coming bowling Friday?

VP Professional Development